Building the strategy for its marketplace in 2022
22 January 2022

In 2022, it is necessary to define its webmarketing strategy for its marketplace in order to acquire new potential customers.

It is a question of diversifying even more its offer, its message and choosing the right acquisition levers. In addition, it is necessary to optimize the customer journey and optimize their purchasing experience. In this article, we will discuss the new strategies to adopt to meet the new needs of consumers. 

Identify the Buyer Persona of your marketplace 

The first thing to consider is the  Buyer Persona. That is, the typical profile of people who are most likely to be interested in your products.

Indeed, it is necessary to identify the characteristics of this buyer persona: First name, Last name / age / social status, profession, hobbies as well as his fears, his fears, his motivations and his aspirations.  Once you know how the product meets your expectations, you need to identify the levers on which you need to communicate. 

The answers to these questions provide a real basis for implementing a good web marketing strategy.

The inbound marketing strategy 

Once we have identified the Buyer Persona, we need to set up a mapping of the customer journey. The concept of inbound marketing has been around for a while and replaces traditional marketing. 

It is a question of attracting the prospect in a natural and interested way rather than seeking it intrusively with traditional marketing techniques. This is the best way for this prospect to become a customer later. 

To give some examples: 

1st example:  A user searches for a product, service, or issue and finds the answer to their problem in your blog post. 

2nd example:  Offer content (white paper download) on the site or social networks in exchange for personal data. 

Indeed, in this new purchasing process, it is the consumer himself who decides, unlike an intrusive commercial approach.

Acquisition levers for your marketplace

If you have a Magento, Prestashop or Shopify marketplace, you have every interest in being visible in the first results of search engines. Knowing that 91% of Internet users click on the results of the 1st page, it is necessary to make sure that you are at the top of the list. 

For this there are 2 strategies: SEO natural referencing and SEA paid referencing.

  • SEO natural referencing

It consists of referencing your site in a natural way to appear in the first results of search engines. To optimize natural referencing for your marketplace, you have to work on the technical side of the website (loading speed, site security, mobile adaptability) have quality content (keywords, tags) as well as internal and external links.

User experience (UX) also plays a very important role in natural referencing. 

  • SEA paid referencing

Consists of buying keywords at auction in order to appear in the first results of search engines or buying an advertising placement in order to be visible (advertising banners displayed on the network of Google partner sites) . 

What is interesting with this method is that if a user searches the web, he sees your ad subsequently displayed on Google's partner sites.  

By investing in this strategy, your marketplace will be immediately visible and in first position. However, for long-lasting visibility, it is essential to combine SEO and SEA. 

  • Social Selling to find new customers

Your site is now a point of contact where people buy your products. Working on your SEO is important but it shouldn't stop there. In the consumer's buying journey, there are several points of contact. 

Social networks are complementary to the website because they are used to communicate and address your buyer persona (potential customers) directly. 

Today it is essential to be present there, publish content, exchange directly with prospects but also to find new customers. This is called the «Social Selling». 

The advantage also through social networks is to be able to analyze the behavior of its audience through their interactions with the publications. Thus, we can know them more precisely and give us an idea of ​​the type of content that attracts their attention. 

Depending on your industry, focus on the networks that matter the most. For example, for B2B, LinkedIn and Twitter should be preferred, while for B2C, Facebook/Instagram, Tiktok, Pinterest should be preferred.

Adapt to new technologies

Automation is booming in 2022. To date, at least 76% of companies say they use it on a daily basis. This consists of automating all tasks (content management, social networks, e-mailing campaigns or the integration of chatbots). 

The goal is to save time and focus more on the webmarketing strategy. 

Email automation 

In email campaign strategies, specialists advise focusing on segmentation and personalization of campaigns. 

If it is well implemented, it can be used to prospect masses of contacts and segment its audience in order to help you convert your prospects into customers.

With automation, one can create personalized emails for each audience. It is also a loyalty tool. The more personalized the message, the more you create real relationships with your customers so that they become customers for life and do not stop at a simple purchase. 

Hubspot is a marketing automation tool very powerful and has become essential for companies today. 


Conversational marketing and artificial intelligence

Chatbots, artificial intelligence, conversational marketing or live chats are booming in 2022. Even if it costs a large budget and requires technical skills, these tools are increasingly used today regardless of the size of the company. 

Offering the opportunity to be available to your contacts and answer your customers' questions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week is a great advantage. 

According to a study "In 2021, 47% of marketers say they use bots², now easier to integrate into websites and easier to use ». 

My Flying Box, automate your shipping process 

My Flying Box offers you the solution to automate the process of shipping your orders. We negotiate competitive and advantageous rates with the largest national and international carriers. 

Our advantage is that we ship to and from all countries in the world.

It is enough just add API shipping functionality to your CMS or marketplace to access our platform. No more integrating and implementing each carrier individually. 

With My Flying Box, connect your e-shop easily and automate your parcel shipping process. This saves you time and money. For more information, read our article on How to manage shipping with Shopify. 

To conclude, setting up a web marketing strategy in 2022 will also involve defining concrete objectives and analyzing KPIs in order to monitor your results. Beforehand, a study of its competitors is an important step in any strategic reflection. 

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